View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000004ResonicMetadatapublic2020-04-27 01:09
Reporterwayfinder Assigned To 
Status deferredResolutionopen 
Product Version0.9.3 
Summary0000004: Cover art isn't shown in Meta panel
DescriptionID3 tags can include cover art (APIC frame), which is currently not displayed in the metadata panel. There's a confusing entry that says "Picture Types (enum)", but no content in it.
Steps To Reproduceview an mp3 with cover art
TagsNo tags attached.
Resonic Build (Number)
Resonic Player



2020-04-27 01:09

administrator   ~0000003

The meta panel shows info about what is embedded in the file right now.

Under "Tech Flags" or "Embedded" in later builds you can find Picture, or Pictures (latest build) to quickly see whether a picture is embedded.

The Picture Types enum is a detailed view of what type of picture is embedded and is not really meant to be shown. 03 would be front cover, 04 back cover, 08 artist, 20 soundminer cover, etc.

I marked this as a feature request.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-26 07:45 wayfinder New Issue
2020-04-26 23:50 Tom Category metadata => Metadata
2020-04-27 01:09 Tom Severity minor => feature
2020-04-27 01:09 Tom Status new => deferred
2020-04-27 01:09 Tom Note Added: 0000003