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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000021ResonicUser Interfacepublic2024-12-16 12:19
Reporterm4rco Assigned ToTom  
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Platform_OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version0.9.3 
Summary0000021: Bookmarks: cannot add to bookmarks a folder with the same name from different hard drives, or different paths
DescriptionBookmarks: cannot add to bookmarks a folder with the same name from different hard drives

- I bookmark a folder named, for example, "Sounds" from C:
- It gets correctly added and listed to bookmarks
- Then I bookmark a folder with example name "Sounds" from D: (different drive)
- That doesn't show on the Bookmarks list, but appears as Bookmarked on the right click menu
- If I remove "Sounds (from C:)" from the bookmarks and try to add Sounds from D:, it works
- But I can't seem to manage to add both, even if i rename the bookmarks...

edit: this happens in general with a number of folders that have the same name but are on different paths
Steps To Reproduce- I bookmark a folder named, for example, "Sounds" from C:
- It gets correctly added and listed to bookmarks
- Then I bookmark a folder with example name "Sounds" from D: (different drive)
- That doesn't show on the Bookmarks list, but appears as Bookmarked on the right click menu
- If I remove "Sounds (from C:)" from the bookmarks and try to add Sounds from D:, it works
- But I can't seem to manage to add both, even if i rename the bookmarks...
Additional InformationPlease help, I'm in love with your application! Thank you :)
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-08-19 16:07 m4rco New Issue
2020-08-19 16:07 m4rco Tag Attached: highly visible
2024-12-16 12:19 Tom Assigned To => Tom
2024-12-16 12:19 Tom Status new => acknowledged