View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000011ResonicFile Systempublic2020-04-30 21:15
ReporterpatriceG Assigned ToTom  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform_OSWindowsOS Version8.1
Product Version0.9.3 
Fixed in Version0.9.4 
Summary0000011: abnormal program termination
Descriptionwhile playing a song, sometimes renaming a folder with windows explorer at the same level causes a infinite loop of abnormal termination error
only way to stop it is by killing the program with task manager

this is random ; cannot reproduce it correctly

see printscreen + crash dumps if it helps

Steps To Reproducetry to rename folders

my collection
 B>with windows file explorer rename this
 D< resonic reading here
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
abnormal program terminations.png (345,887 bytes)   
abnormal program terminations.png (345,887 bytes)   
Resonic Build (Number)1807
Resonic Player



2020-04-28 18:20

administrator   ~0000010

resolved in 0.9.4, please verify with any recent build

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-27 16:33 patriceG New Issue
2020-04-27 16:33 patriceG File Added: resonicpro-
2020-04-27 16:33 patriceG File Added: resonicpro-
2020-04-27 16:33 patriceG File Added: resonicpro-
2020-04-27 16:33 patriceG File Added: abnormal program terminations.png
2020-04-28 18:20 Tom Assigned To => Tom
2020-04-28 18:20 Tom Status new => resolved
2020-04-28 18:20 Tom Resolution open => fixed
2020-04-28 18:20 Tom Note Added: 0000010
2020-04-30 21:14 Tom Target Version => 0.9.4
2020-04-30 21:15 Tom Fixed in Version => 0.9.4
2020-04-30 21:15 Tom Target Version 0.9.4 =>