View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000015ResonicMetadatapublic2020-05-29 07:01
ReporterpatriceG Assigned ToTom  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform_OSWindowsOS Version8.1
Product Version0.9.3 
Fixed in Version0.9.4 
Summary0000015: Wrong lossy interpretation of wma lossless files (resonic pro)
Descriptionalso appearing with unstable pro ea 0.9.4b 1951U
Sorry if this has already been reported ; no trace here it seems.

I have a bunch of supposed lossless files (from qobuz so provided as lossless files)

Resonic shows them as lossy ; double check with dbpoweramp and VLC indicate these wma are lossless (and wma files can)

seems resonic is not correctly interpreting some wma attributes ?

see printscreen reso+dbpoweramp+vlc

many thanks,

Additional Informationcan send a file for testing purposes if needed
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
wma.png (1,546,793 bytes)
Resonic Build (Number)1807
Resonic Player



2020-05-29 07:01

administrator   ~0000018

fixed in next 0.9.4 build + extra features

from changelog:
"WMA codecs (1/2/9 Pro/9 Lossless) are now detected properly and WMA lossless files are displayed with the correct lossless color markings (blue). The codec name and encoder settings are now also read from WMA files and displayed in the meta panel."


2020-05-29 07:01

administrator   ~0000019

snap20200529065450.png (15,640 bytes)   
snap20200529065450.png (15,640 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-06 20:14 patriceG New Issue
2020-05-06 20:14 patriceG File Added: wma.png
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Assigned To => Tom
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Status new => resolved
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Resolution open => fixed
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Fixed in Version => 0.9.4
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Note Added: 0000018
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom Note Added: 0000019
2020-05-29 07:01 Tom File Added: snap20200529065450.png