View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000002ResonicAudio Extractionpublic2020-04-27 02:35
ReporterTagirijus Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version0.9.4 
Summary0000002: Drag&drop to Reaper while having its reference
DescriptionFirst of all: it's related to v0.9.4, build 1912

Similar to the option "Copy as Reaper media" it would be cool to have the option to be able to have drag&drop files behave the same as "Copy as Reaper media", but with drag&drop. Means:

- I enable an option in the settings like "Drag&drop will create Reaper media item reference" or so
- I select an area of the audio
- I start drag&drop into Reaper
- a Reaper media item will be created, which is just a reference to the original file, like it would be with the "Copy as Reaper media" function
Tagsdiscuss, idea, suggestion
Resonic Build (Number)
Resonic Player


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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-24 11:41 Tagirijus New Issue
2020-04-24 11:41 Tagirijus Tag Attached: discuss
2020-04-24 11:41 Tagirijus Tag Attached: suggestion
2020-04-24 11:41 Tagirijus Tag Attached: idea
2020-04-26 01:25 Tom Product Version 0.9.3 => 0.9.4
2020-04-26 01:26 Tom Priority normal => low
2020-04-26 01:42 Tom Assigned To => Tom
2020-04-26 01:42 Tom Status new => acknowledged
2020-04-26 01:43 Tom Status acknowledged => new
2020-04-26 01:50 Tom Assigned To Tom =>
2020-04-26 23:50 Tom Category audio extraction => Audio Extraction
2020-04-27 02:34 Tom Assigned To => Tom
2020-04-27 02:34 Tom Status new => acknowledged
2020-04-27 02:35 Tom Status acknowledged => new
2020-04-27 02:35 Tom Assigned To Tom =>